Szkoły ETE im. Alberta Schweitzera

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Start Kronika Szkół Aktualności 09-10 Zagraniczne kondolencje

Zagraniczne kondolencje

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Na ręce Pani Dyrektor Marii Czudek zostały złożone wyrazy współczucia i kondolencje od osób związanych z Polską poprzez nasze Szkoły w związku z tragedią pod Smoleńskiem.

Alan Brown, MAT
Regional Director, Europe
Association of Christian Schools International
1182 Budapest, Óhuta u. 46, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 292 6246 ,+36 1 292 6246 Fax +36 1 292 6245

Dear Friends,

Malinda and I were shocked to learn today of the terrible tragedy that befell your country. What a horrific moment in your  history, especially when it was connected to the 70th anniversary commemoration of the massacre in Katyn forest.

We grieve with you and all of Poland on this terrible day. Your tears are our tears and we stand with you in mourning for your nation. Please be assured of our prayers for you and all of Poland in the difficult days ahead.
With love in Christ,
Alan and Malinda

William F. Stevens, Jr.
Wilmington Christian School


Our hearts and prayers are with you as your nation mourns the loss of your Presdient, his wife, and a number of Polish government officials. It is indeed a tragedy and our God only knows why this has happened. We pray that as your nation mourns this situation, and then moves forward, that you will be granted peace beyond understanding and wisdom as your nation rises above this.
May the God of peace, through His Son, Jesus Christ, grant you His comfort as you comfort one another.

Blessings & Peace
Bill and Berta

Nauczycielka języka angielskiego w Szkołach ETE w latach 2006-2008

Dear Polish friends,

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Prime Minister Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria as well as so many other leaders. My prayers are with you and for the nation of Poland. May the Lord comfort you and bring you peace.

I love you all and I love Poland.
Harriet Newman


Poprawiony: wtorek, 13 kwietnia 2010 12:05